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Board of Directors




Gunnar Andersen, President


Bettie Jackson, Vice-President


Maria Rykowski, Treasurer and Director of Inventory


Joanne Martz, Secretary



Jordy Bell, Director at Large

Kevin Cooney, Director of Information Technology

Jane Chan, Director of Volunteers and Scheduling

Molly Williamson, Director of Grants


Melanie Dodson, President Emeritus

Shirley Gillis, President Emeritus



The Croton-Cortlandt Food Pantry is an all-volunteer organization and has been since its founding over 30 years ago.  In addition to our volunteer board, we have more than 50 active volunteers ranging in age from high school students to senior citizens. 


Most of our volunteers work on Saturday mornings giving out food to clients; other volunteer jobs include unloading the food truck and shelving food. Our volunteers keep the food pantry running 52 weeks a year and they are vital to our continued operation!





Contact us:


Croton-Cortlandt Food Pantry

PO Box 633

Croton-on-Hudson NY 10520

©  2015

Croton-Cortlandt Food Pantry

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